Workshops dates and workshop pictures will be shown here.
January 2018
Walnut Creek CA
August 2017
Walnut Creek Ca
January 2016
Mendocino workshop: Weekend of October 20th, 2012. This is a workshop that combines 3 separate workshops
Learn to center a piece of clay in less than 15 seconds! Learn the techniques that nobody talks about. You can take giant leaps towards your goal of throwing pots. This workshop will combine 3 into one: small and large centering techniques; pots with parts; and get off your bottom! You will get a solid foundation to throwing the shapes you want at will. Printed handouts to students
I will bring coffee maker, good coffee, cream and bagels and cream cheese. We'll need more!!! Good chocolate!!!! Sweets? :)) Home-made whatever we'll love it cake and other goodies!
Look at the material list and get an updated list by emaiing me.
2011 Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, CA: March 26 - 27 -- Saturday and Sunday. If enough people can get there on Friday, we can start at noon on Friday the 26th but you'll have to tell them so they can let me know!
This is going to be a great weekend on the coast. We'll take people from" where they are at" in this moment of their clay experience and then move from there. This workshop will include segments of my "Anyone Can Center" in less than 15 seconds (seriously) and my "Pots with Parts". For pots with parts you will need a paint gun heat gun. You can get them at Home Depot or Ace...Get a good will last for years...No, hair dryers wont work very well...
This will be non stop (except to eat) hands on, individual focus...No fear...~
Bring a multi plug so we can just plug this in near your wheel.
Materials List
- A towel
- Water bucket (some here)
- Your own tools (there are no tools here)
- wire, pin tool, stick tool, all your tools!!!
- metal ribs, serated ribs, wooden ribs...heck...all your ribs
- Heat gun if you want to put pieces together quickly
- Band Aids…you never know!
- Your own bats if you want to take wet pots home.
- Bat pins for some wheels…
- Good Chocolate…no skimping
- Bring a multi-plug strip for the heat guns (Ace hardware or Home Depot) Get a - good one…$50. You’ll have it for years and you’ll want it….
Good chocolate a must...
I'll bring a coffee maker for the mornings. I'll bring a combo of Peet's (the Major Dickerson) and Star Bucks (espresso)
Also some bagels and cream cheese and jam...
Want more? Bring more!
Mendocino: June 14th - 19th 2010 - canceled...Motorcycle accident..
" "The Pitfire Experience" - Contact Mendocino Art Center
Pictures of the Mendocino October workshop
Next workshop in Mendocino:
October 9, 10, 11 2009
The Mendocino Art Center workshop in October 09
Watch out for it! This is a hands on 3 full day workshop from Friday to Sunday giving us the time we need to have lots of one on one in your face attention! Be there! Enjoy the coast, let's bring some food, let's hang out all night and make this "like the old days" clay marathon.
Well, we'll try our best to stay up to midnight or close to it!
Anyone can center in less than 15 seconds -
This workshop will be given in Mendocino in September of 2008. The dates as of now: Saturday and Sunday Sept 13 & 14.
Contact the Mendocino Art Center for more specific details. This filled up fast last time.
This workshop is for beginning and intermediate students. Learn to center a piece of clay in less than 15 seconds! Learn the techniques that nobody talks about that will allow you to take giant leaps towards your goal of throwing pots. Is this too easy for you? Let’s do bigger. This work-shop will give you a solid foundation to throwing the shapes you want and also give you the comfortableness to be able to work in any studio. Printed handouts to workshop students.
This Medo workshop was fantastic. I want to thank everyone who attended. We had a great time because of you...and of course me.
I hope our "X" rated class has kept my rep in order!
Thank youi all...Let's do it again...Great place, great people...
PIt fire workshops -
View Last work shop slide show.
View Last Pit fire Workshop here
Pit fires begin in Spring.
Workshops coming soon to a theater near you!
Pots with Parts -
Dream Urns -